07 octubre 2008

hUevocasT 108

Que hubo! pos aca nomas recomendando y poniendo una rolita que escuche en esa fabulofantastica estacion de música electronica en México Beat 100.9, la rola se llama "Cry for You" y la toca/canta o como sea "September".
PD. Dejen comments, siempre son importantes.
PD. Esta rola llego a mi iPod como por arte de magia! ta buena!
I never had to say goodbye you must have known i wouldn't stay while you were talking about our life you killed the beauty of today forever and ever life is now or never forever never comes around you never heard me break your heart you didn't wake up when we died since i was lonely from the start i think the end is mine to write forever and ever life is now or never forever never comes around people love and let go forever and ever life is now or never forever's gonna slow you down you'll never see me again so now woh's gonna cry for you you'll never see me again no matter what you do…

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